Annabella Gustafsson

Ett levande samtal

Death is a natural part of life—in spite of this, we have an approach to death today in Sweden that has made the topic of conversation something difficult and uncomfortable. Ett levande samtal wants to make it easier.

To a large extent, Swedish people’s reluctance to approach death is the result of us simply being too comfortable. As our living conditions have improved, death has moved further and further away from our consciousness. The phenomenon of death has become distant and elusive, which is clearly reflected in society’s attitude and actions towards it.

Death will never be fun or easy—but what is important to realise, is that the questions about death really are questions about life. As the author André Malraux put it: “Death is only important because it makes us think about the value of life”.

Ett levande samtal is a conversation game that, through a de-dramatised and accessible format, wants to encourage people to open up to talk about death and mortality with their relatives. The question cards act as a third party and give the opportunity for the participants to laugh, feel sad, contemplate and reach insight—without making a big deal of it. It’s a game with no rules or correct answers, and everyone wins by having this conversation.

Thanks to

Barbro Ohlson Smith

Pia Kristoffersson

Norrbacka Tryckeri

Klint Home

Annabella Gustafsson

Ett levande samtal